Thursday, July 24, 2008

A Call to Judgment

Judging by all the smiley faces on news anchors when Senator Barack Obama’s name is mentioned and judging by his ever popular poll numbers, and judging by the lack of sex appeal on Obama's opponent’s side, and judging by all the hopeful hoopla and affirmative accolades placed upon the shoulders of the yet to be confirmed Democratic candidate, it's become exceedingly apparent that apart from the swearing in oath, Obama's bid to become president is a done deal. Especially after he sunk a basket and didn't show any signs of breaking a sweat even as the whole looking glass public watched on, it’s a pretty good guess Obama pretty much has the 2008 presidential election in the bag.

And now, judging by how enthusiastically every foreign head of state has been welcoming Obama’s foot print on their respective soil, his overseas visit is turning out to be, just as his campaign managers expected, a huge success. It is embarrassing clear to the discerning eye these dignitaries are encouragingly shaking Obama’s hand in anticipation of his presidential victory run.

If past history is any judge of character Obama’s storyline is one long victory lap so winning the title of President of the United States should not come any surprise to those closest to him. When Obama sets his sights on something he wants he has only to put out his hand and it is given to him. How simplistic. How sweet. How psychologically unnerving!

Considering this country has been ruled for the last eight years solely by means of a severe case of arrogance and sense of entitlement (Of course judging by how wholly incompetent Bush has proven himself to be anyone in his place would have believed the only way they could have been elected and then reupped was through some sort of divine intervention.) and an atrophied press corps that seemingly lost all its credential backbone and duty to serve the people who read the news instead of to those who make it.

Judging by Obama’s mercurial ride from Junior Senator in 2005 to announcing his candidacy to become president in February 2007, together with judging by how quickly and affectionately the news media has embraced him, practically swooning over his every word while they glance adoringly on his face from every angle, a viewer can actually hear reporter’s hearts skip faster whenever they’re called upon to update us on what’s new in Obamaland.

So listen carefully citizens to words not being spoken and promises offhandedly made, and be very careful what you ask for, for you might just get it. For if our journalists continue to pay this amount of admiring attention to just one man who hasn’t spent barely enough time on this planet, never mind in the Senate chambers, and they continue to fail to ask him any hard questions and then come back to follow up with much more probing ones and while they subordinately accept intimidations from Obama such as “Why can’t I just eat my waffle?” when he is confronted with a tough interrogation, and instead of Karl Rove you have Robert Gibbs, Obama’s senior communication strategist gracefully avoid answering any questions posed to him, we may unassumingly just find ourselves as a country on the brink of having to go another eight year round with another severe headcase of arrogance and entitlement.

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