Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Hillary's Final Countdown to Downfall

Hillary, Hillary, Hillary....., girl whatever were you thinking when you decided to stand by your man?
I know your eye was always on the prize. I know your wistful dream was to sit in the Oval Office one day and make your husband cringe while deciding if you should take his health care reform bill to congress. I know how much he hurt you as a woman, and I know that revenge served cold is the best dish, but what you didn't know, what you didn't take into consideration, what you didn't see coming straight at you at ninety miles an hour was that holding onto his hand and trying to make his heart love you, and only you, would ultimately lead to the political ruin of you both one day. And that unceremonious day is now here darling. I know dear one, it hasn't turned out the way you hoped it would. As women, we all heard your genetic pain when you cried out to every single Illiad God above, "Shame on you Obama!"

If only you had listened many years back to your head sweetness, instead of your heart. If only you respected the voice inside telling you it was now or it was never going to happen. You know the voice I speak of. It warned you. It told you to run. It knew that man was only going to bring you down. How many times did he tell you it will never happen again, only to find out once more he lied. Once more he betrayed your trust. Yet if you had listened to your inner voice then and not to his, you would have stood on the proverbial podium as an independent woman running on only one platform. One agenda. One mindset. But no, you thought you were cleverer. You thought you could outsmart all the naysayers.

This shellacking you're taking is only made worse when you think about how many times you criticized Bush for throwing away all the sentiment and support our country had right after 9/11. Don't you see blind spirit? In an ironic twist of fate baby girl you did the very same thing. When there wasn't a dry eye in the house, when the entire world would have supported your decision to walk away and begin a new journey on your own merits, you insisted on staying and playing nice. On plastering up every crack in your holy matrimonial vow. Surely you missed the broader picture then, but it's become all so clear now, hasn't it? That strategy didn't win you the hearts and minds of your intended betrothed - the voters.

Forget for a moment about the Obama/Winfrey ticket blowing up in your face. In the end what's really behind your fiasco was you being seen as half of a power couple. It was a bold move by this country to speculate on what it would have been like to have a male stand-in for the position of First Lady. But it became all too too much for this country to think about what it would be like to have two presidents in the White House vying for the same attention. And then thanks to Bill shooting off racial colored remarks in a lame attempt to defend your polling loss in a specific state, he provided Obama with unconditional conditions to set up a perfect storm to deflect your imperfect campaign.

Girl, if only you had taken the time to look deep in the eyes of your audience you would have spotted the problem long before it proved to be your defeat. I know you think it's easy to be a Monday morning quarterback. Hindsight is always the purveyor of bad tidings. But you forgot most powerful superwoman, one of the two most important rules we all have to live by. The first one is no one gets out of here alive. The second is no one gets to have their cake and eat it too. Enjoy your cake Hillary. It's all that's left.


Anonymous said...

Hey you idiot Kool Aid drinker don't come crying to the other half of the democratic party when Obama has his first crisis and his aids have to give him a baby bottle to get him out from hiding underneath his desk.
Unlike Hilary Clinton, Obama is a media creation that will soon ware out. The media has carried him as far as they can but once the general election comes around the media will turn on him and make him look like the inexperienced fool he is. Hey if he wins he better have Hilary as his running mate because that fool has no experience and he needs all the help he can get in a campaign. Besides the national uproar of how pathetic the media's bias has been to Obama if he doesn't have Hilary as his running mate then the other half of the democratic party will not help him.
Oh and if you think this primary has been tough wait till you see what's coming in the general election. All of the stories of Obama taking illegal funds from a tobacco and drug company lobbyist, him having an affair with his aid, him being a slum lord in Chicago..etc etc.. Oh boy my little one you better get your little boxes of tissues out because your boy is about to get an old fashion bitch slappin! That's it enough said.

Unknown said...

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Anonymous said...

When I got married 27 years ago my parents told me one thing. They said "son, family values are easy when things are going great at home. Its when thing are tough that family values matter. Sticking with your wife for better or worse like you just swore only matters when it turns out to be worse.” Hillary showed real family values by staying with the marriage "for better or for worse". She has shown me that she's a woman of her word and convictions. And she has shown me that she will be there when it counts, when things are bad. I don’t see her skipping off to her ranch when things go sour. I see her staying in the fight no matter what. That’s exactly what I want in a president.

Anonymous said...

Well written article. I agree with you that the 2 for 1 idea is an issue, whether she wants to accept it or not. The very fact that people are debating it makes it an issue. Right or wrong.

Anonymous said...

I really do think that most people take Hillary's past problems to account as far as in her own political career but I highly doubt that anyone is letting that be their deciding vote. If anything I think people are actually paying more attention to what she has to say. So get over her and Bill's marrital problems.

Unknown said...

Well said. I love how someone decided to rant here for no reason just because of their pent up angst for being a Troll.

Unknown said...

adrian, our government will not ratify the Kyoto Protocol because it claims it violates the sovereignty of our nation to make independent decisions. I suspect that it's probably got something to do with the money that would be lost by capping emissions and making cars more fuel-efficient...?

Anonymous said...

You are not a politician, neither are you a political junkie or one that has an axe to grind. One thing you sure believe you are is having an intellectually curious mind and common sense. I doubt if you have any of that. Hiliary Rodham Clinton is definitely a force to reckone with in the political realm. Where you come off trying to belittle her ad her accomplishment is what i don't understand. Where have you been all your life for you not to recognise or mention all the positive things she done, why just the negative aspect that is where your common sense is no sense and i sure believe you have an axe to grind. What is wrong with Hiliary forgiving bill after all we aren't all the same what appeals to you might not appeal to me. Obama has been on a roller skater campiagn, no media bashing not until the Rev. Wright story, which also has been subtle as compared to all the negative fibes Hiliary has been getting, and she's kept going wining important states,and what does that tell you. A strong, formidable and defintely the next United States Of America President watch and see.
