Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Arrogance Has No Color

Our country's legal obligation to dip into a political gene pool every four years and take a leap of faith on a new candidate is similar in a lot of ways to serial marriages. Every once in awhile the odds have to favor you’ll catch a good one.

Unfortunately for us though that was not the case eight years ago when we undeniably scraped the bottom of the pool, and four years after that when we discovered our fishing rods splintered and broken, we seemingly threw up our hands and settled for the same dead fish.

One primary reason for why we had a back to back disastrous fishing season was too many people thought that the sneer on George Bush’s lips was nothing more than a facial tick. Eight years later those same people finally came to realize that what they thought was a facial aberration, was a sneer alright.

How long will it take the country this time to realize that Obama’s overconfident gait and habit of avoiding a person's eyes when they lean in close to shake his hand, are overt body cues that send out signals of a condescending attitude? How long will it take for the public to catch up this time?

How long will it take for this country to collectively raise up their blood stained consciousness and demand to see substance rather than the rhetoric stamped on the back of Obama’s quest for ‘change’. Who in the press corp is even willing to stand up and question what’s behind the anemic filler of a campaign motto called ‘change?’ Certainly not our so called ‘free press.’ They are so enamored, so embarrassingly captivated by the ability of Obama's campaign strategists to slay the evil ambitious Hillary Clinton dragon, that a so called liberal journalist by the name of Tim Russet, along with the most staunch Republican pundits over at Fox News are joyfully awaiting the preordained anointment of the coming Messiah.

When John Edwards last year, while busily campaigning to make his bid for the presidency kept reporters waiting on the tarmac to get a supposedly, grossly expensive hair cut, he was criticized and lectured so bad the next day in the press, you would have thought he had committed the worst atrocity in the world. Yet last Friday, after an event ended in Northern Virginia Obama literally ditched the press people who had been waiting patiently for him to board, in order to secretly meet with his arch nemesis, Hillary Clinton. The following day the same press people, although visibly angry and feeling very betrayed, hardly made a squeak.

Wouldn't it be enormously refreshing after being stripped of our press credentials by eight years of elitist arrogance, if by some miracle the currency of all this ‘change’ could propel our terrified and muffled reporters to finally muster up their courage and find their backbone so as to get back to doing the job they get paid for, (Woodward & Bernstein ring a bell anyone?) then maybe we could be journalistically informed as to exactly who Barack Obama is, and why he clearly wants to be our next president so dam bad!

Any individual running for elected office has to own one outsized ego and one all-weather proof suit of very thick skin. If they don't, they could never survive in this fishbowl arena. But individuals who wish to run this country by and large often get to extend their prowess beyond just that meager aspiration - they can play pretend skipper for the whole planet if they so desire. Hence we’re talking not just enlarged ego, but full blown, out of proportion self-importance superiority. Just think about your own boss and then times that by one hundred million.

If ‘change’ is all that’s required to fix the ills of this war torn country than we should elect Obama on the basis of his skin color alone, since his presence in the White House as president will ultimately provide the American populace at least, if not the entire human race, with one of the most palpable dramatic 'changes' ever. Why the town I grew up in only broke its tacit color barrier in the last decade! Gosh gee willikers Aunt May, looks like these here times, they really are a-changing.

But I digress from the main point, which is, by merely casting a vote in the upcoming presidential election I’ve helped to trigger the effect of a ‘change.’ Never mind that Bush’s turn up at bat is almost officially over which loosely translated means we have no choice but to bring in a new governing team which by definition alone, signifies ‘change.’

Issues aren’t always as black and white as they look. Of course this country needs a histrionic change. No one with a pulse would argue against that. But quite frankly Senator Obama, the question that you so eloquently have yet to answer, the chief issue that you have yet to comprehensively address, even though you've now given hundreds and hundreds of speeches is, apart from changing the skin color of an American president, what are you specifically purposing to do to make the change you so fervently promise, a 'change' for the better.

1 comment:

SMILES said...

I heard that Allen West will be giving a speech this Saturday addressing Obama and the use of "race" in politics.

The GO WEST campaign will be videotaping the speech and it should be released sometime next week.