Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Illusion of Progress Part I

In his latest stump speeches Obama states that under his administration we will have an open government. He claims under his tutorage partisan politics will end and both parties will be more open to the suggestion to cross over party lines in order to get their job done. In accordance with his campaign slogan ‘change is a coming,’ both parties he says will be more inclined to work together to ensure necessary ‘change’ legislation will get passed in a timely and efficient fashion.

He vows his term in office will mark the end of politics as we know it. Voting strictly along party lines will no longer be tolerated. He is confident his fraternizing skills will prompt members of both parties to accept the end justifies the means, thereby removing the unworkmanlike stigma of a do nothing congress.

Of course, hidden from plain sight is the senate race next year and the obvious predictions that electing a Democratic president will help usher in sufficient Democrats after January to ensure this promise is met.

The message of change then that Obama is sending out is really pretty much dependent on certain changes having to occur in congress.

Otherwise, we can pretty much figure it will be business as usual under the Obama connection to change.

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