Yes, sorry to all the ladies that lunch, but our culture has moved on past generalized talk shows hosted by big name female entertainers such as Oprah and Ellen, Bonnie and the entire cast of The View.
For it appears that the hottest trend growing on prime time tonight is pseudo news format shows headed up by a man. But we're talking just any man. No siree. You're only marketable if you're a clever, funny and hip, in the know male comedian. It's another issue of course that your Emmy will be shared among a writing staff of at least twenty-five ivy league grads. But I digress.
Television program development honchos have placed their paychecks as well as their future employment reputations on plucking out familiar male stand-up comediennes from the comedy circuit gene pool, and giving him own prime time slot, his own set design, his own logo persona and full comedic carte blanche to interview, and even earnestly, albeit mockingly debate real issues with real political figures.
The extent to which these "comedic news anchors" are influencing today's political platforms I'll leave to political science students to thread their thesis upon.
My point is strictly on perception alone.
Ever since the most highly popular, top ad rated, comic driven politicized talk shows such as :
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher and The Colbert Report with Stephen Colbert have taken over the airwaves and are just so good at taking swipes at real news events and political figures, legitimate cable news operatives like CNN have finally taken the hint and put their together their own band of comedic merry men to deliver the news. Tune into CNN Breaking News with D.L. Hughley or CNN Chocolate News with David Alan Grier.
A phenomena that demonstrates self-evident proof that today's news really is a joke!
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