No democrat candidate or congress person was more enthusiastically engaged in bringing down the horror house of Bush-Cheney than Congressman Kucinich. But Kucinich was too short to be president and standing only a foot or two away from him was a tall, black senator who could speak intelligently and had the political swag in his tongue to answer any question put forth to him in a sane, rational and reasonable manner.
Now that tall, dignified, articulate senator from Illinois is set to become our first president of color and as the country, no, the entire planet waits breathlessly for his first presidential spoken words, he has already seen his first piece of policy legislation effortlessly passed by congress. Media pundits have heralded Obama's first act as president, before even being sworn in as president, as a feat of brilliant strategy!
It's come as quite a shock to our stale and greedy-gut political system that one man can serve the interest of both political parties, but his closest advisers weren't surprised at the president-elects non-partisan political mastery. They confidently knew from the start Obama had the skill set to get both parties willing to break rank and rancor.
After all, Obama's nerve center grew up having to appease both the white and black separatists in his own genetic background, in his own family tree, in his own body!
When you break down Obama's psychological profile and take into account the unfortunate and sad events that happened to him as a child together with the real as well as perceived abandonment issues of his early childhood, concerning both his mother as well as his father, it only makes good logic to put forth Obama could either have grown up angry and hostile or overly-sensitive and too eager to please.
Fortunately for our sake and the sake of his and our children, Obama chose to ferment slowly and diplomatically. Getting only a small, brief taste of his father's African ancestry and culture, Obama grew up predominately in a white world and had to grasp early on in his social development how his own loving, affectionate grandmother could fear people who wore the same skin color as he did. Talk about mixed messages. That's hardly a paradox any young child could be expected to internalize and process without great psyche damage being done.
Yet Obama appears to have accomplished just that. Without knowing what his interior life goes through on a daily basis, except from what he has told us through his writings and countless speeches, Obama epitomizes every human virtue we would want in our president. Intelligence, warmth, empathy, compromise, as well as a penchant for truth, justice and non-violence. Buddha himself could not have asked for more.
The hardships Obama has had to endure in his life seem to custom tailor him for this moment in history. A man who walks every step in two mindsets, two colors, may be just the man destined to transcend two very polarized and paralyzed, political parties.
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