By law psychics must post somewhere in their ads or on their premises that the service they provide is for entertainment purposes only. If you listen to talk radio and take in a steady diet of dinner with a side of cable airheads, you should take under advisement the same laws that apply to spiritual healers apply to watching news pundits.
I strive to be an equal opportunity listener, however it hit me like a brick after several days of listening to talk show conservatives rant on and on about the evil stimulus package Obama is trying to push through congress, that these men and women who say they speak for their fellow man clearly do not care about the welfare of their fellow men.
I am not supporting the stimulus package either way here. The way it is written I do not see it as a healing agent for our economic woes, though I do want to give a shout out to Paul Krugman and his piece in last week's Rolling Stone Mag I thought it provided great insight in how best to handle our economic crisis. In fact Mr. Krugman had the mindful authority to personally pitch his piece directly to the president.
But to hear right wing conservatives blast the stimulus package in the same forked tongue they used to advance Bush's war monger ideology is nothing short of blasphemy! Joe Scarborough this morning was carrying on about how wrong he and all his republican cohorts were when they listened to Bush and supported invading Iraq even after the weapon inspectors found no WMD's. He then said in the same breath, so why should the republican party now follow Obama into economic purgatory. Where is the logical thread here? Where is the rationale for comparing apples to oranges? These people get paid for talking. They get paid a very lavish salary, especially in today's depressed times. Yet there is not one insightful, smart, illuminating thought among them. Stand on any line today and strike up a conversation with the person behind or in front of you, and regardless of their party allegiance, you will have a more engaging, intelligent dialogue than you will hear on any of our highly technological advanced airwaves today.
There were plenty of loud voices raised before there was ever a raised fist singing praises to 'shock & awe' but did Mr. Scarborough or any of his party members listen? NO! They did not! But to listen to Mr. Scarborough this morning you would have to assume that Bush sucked out his brain for the last eight years and only now, in the light of a new day, did he get back his cerebral skill set.
Again, I am not defending Obama's stimulus proposal. But I am in desperate search of an intelligent approach to dissecting the proposal's pros and cons. I am in agreement that the dems apparently did sneak in a whole bunch of dusty agendas they kept hidden away from Pappa Bush. But to hear Joe Scarborough scream about the monies going to food stamps and unemployment insurance as wasteful and deplorable is too much to stomach.
Moreover, where were all these Republicans screaming for President Bush to stop throwing millions of our tax dollars onto the streets of Baghdad? Why didn't they demand accounting for millions of our dollars when our soldiers over in Iraq can tell you how many times they were ordered to hand out bags of cash to people with no intentions other than to use the money to work against and harm our soldiers. Our soldiers can tell congress just how wasteful all that 'throw about cash' was, and how no good came of it. No reliable intelligence or helpful information was revealed or uncovered. Just our tax dollars hard at work at 'WHAT?'
If nothing less but for all the American families that have recently lost their incomes and have no idea how they are going to get through these very difficult times, to collect unemployment checks and buy food via food stamps, it is absolutely imperative for congress to pass some kind of emergency fund budget.
If congress wants to cut out all of the stimulus bill's so called pork and remove every Democratic Christmas wish list item, so be it. But to yell about food stamps and increased social service programs in these horrific days is the same as kicking a man when he's down!! How egregiously hard-hearted can one Republican get!
How can any Republican look himself or herself in the mirror when they know every single day that goes by now hundreds of thousands of American families and individuals have just been cut from their life lines. How they can deny food and medical services to these families and their children? Thank God the SCHIP bill finally got signed, no thanks to the republicans. At least that will help somewhat in the absence of the stimulus package getting approved.
As long as their own families are being fed and taken care of I guess Republicans on the airwaves will always be nearsighted when it comes to passing social programs for the poor.
I am socially liberal, but fiscally conservative, so this can be a touchy issue, but I think that regardless of what you do, if we continue to handcuff business with federal mandates, tax burdens and other anti business legislation, the problem is only going to get worse. Also, the economics behind the “stimulus” have time and time again proven flawed, but we continue to throw good money after bad and the social consequences of a growing percentage of the population living off government funding could eventually lead to something worse than the depression.
Soviet Communism and American Conservatism
Soviet Communism created many fine things -- vodka, caviar, smoked salmon, pickled herring -- to name but a few. They also produced dachas and automobiles. Unfortunately, most of those goods and services went to the top 2% of the people -- the leaders of the Soviet Communist Party. Brezhnev, for example, owned a huge collection of fancy automobiles imported from all over the world. The rest of the population had little or nothing. Conservatives favor the same kind of distribution system here in the United States. They advocate distributing America's wealth in the same way that the Soviet Union did -- with most everything going to the top 2% of the population. That's why I say that Conservatives are Communists. Through tax shelters, tax loopholes, repeal of the estate tax, massive income tax reductions for the wealthiest Americans, etc., Conservatives want to make sure that the wealth flows upward -- up, up and away from most Americans. Such gross economic inequality caused the collapse of the Soviet Union. As someone once said: "To claim that Ronald Reagan caused the collapse of the Soviet Union is like saying that a rooster crowing at dawn is what causes the sun to rise." More to the point, Mikhail Gorbachev -- who is responsible for the dissolution of Soviet Communism -- said: "I could have lived out the rest of my life as a modern-day Ceasar, but not when I looked around and saw how poorly the rest of my fellow citizens were living." Now, after eight years of Bush's regressive economic policies, Conservatives have brought American capitalism to the brink of destruction. Obama's programs of massive spending and re-regulation of our financial systems, will undoubtedly save and reform American capitalism, making it stronger and healthier. The only thing Conservatives have to contribute to the discussion is Rush Limbaugh's ultra-patriotic statement: "I want Obama to fail". Conservatives, whether in or out of power, are doing everything they possibly can to bring about America's failure.
Please visit my Blog:
"Conservatives Are America's Real Terrorists"
What a refreshing read. Thanks.
I am tired of all the Obama bashing being generated from the right wing of this country. We are at the point where even the Burak Obama supporters are questioning his competence and the direction in which he is driving America. Why is our president is more popular in Europe and Asia than he is in the U.S.? Because the GOP media and politicians, who act like spoiled brats, kick and scream louder than majority. They have no platform other than to disagree with Obama to avoid being marginalized. These blowhards including Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Paling know that the squeaky wheel gets the grease, even though so much of what they holler about has no merit. My question is…Where are all the people that were apart of the greatest political and social victory in the history of our country? One year ago African Americans were vindicated and released from 300 years of oppression and segregation by the conservative shackles put upon them. This was not only a victory for them but for all Americans of color or those with a social conscious. Our American brothers that were all for change that come from India, Africa, China, Japan, South America, Central America and on and on, this was a victory and redemption for all of you. This was the moment in time when all of these citizens were given the opportunity to be a legitimate piece of the American fabric, to take what has always been rightfully yours, and take action to help advance our country back into the global leader that we had once been. Not from a military standpoint but from a social, economic and humanitarian standpoint.
When I look at what is going on through the media, communities, social networking, and the Change that we all wanted, supported and won, I see much more effort spent in figuring out why Oprah is canceling her show or if Lebron is going to NY or Miami.
I realize times are tough and so many of us are worried about jobs, medical insurance and losing our homes, but what is happening is that the imperial warlords that want their bombs and power back are taking advantage of our problems to kick our guy out of office.
Remember what got us here. Stop eating that bag of Cheetos in front of the TV, and make something happen. “Ask not what our county can do for you…”. YOUR country is working for you, now help our president achieve the things we all gathered around and supported and let’s build this country into what we always dreamed it could be, the reason we all came here in the first place.
If you don’t, you will have wasted a monumental opportunity that will probably not come back to you in your lifetime.
Steve Smith
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