The press corp frenzy over whether Sarah Palin is going to run or not for the presidency is more embarrassing than reality TV. You couldn't ask for a more perfect example of pompous egotistical vanity. To have so-called professional journalists given no itinerary and watch them actively run after a bus is ridiculously creepy. The news media's hysteric, sweeping coverage of a non-candidacy is exactly equivalent to say, the French Salons of the 17th and 18th century. Insipid groups of pedestrians whip lashing themselves into thinking they're holding an intelligent conversation.
On the other side of the TV screen is a man who seeks the highest office in the land and by all judgmental accounts, is a genuine, grounded, articulate, intelligent Republican candidate who believes in evolution and actually has a viable economic plan to get people back to work and save money in their banks. He's hardly a blimp though on most radar screens and has the lowest of ratings. Is it just me scratching my head or does the media really make or break a candidacy?
Why I think the world of Jon Huntsman:
He can't stand Mitt Romney.
The Wall Street Journal and Larry Kudlow (can't get more conservative Republican than these two) love Huntsman's economic strategies to bring America back to life.
Except for being against abortion (as long as Republicans don't put to death Roe v. Wade, who isn't pro-life?) Huntsman is amazingly liberal on social issues.
When President Obama, a democrat, called on Huntsman to become Ambassador to China (2009- 2011) Huntsman showed he was a true statesman and stepped up to the plate.
Because of Huntsman's ability to speak Chinese and other Asian dialects, he is the perfect man for this time in American history.
Because of Jon Huntsman's experience with China, its diplomats and culture, his inside track knowledge about the people of China's mindset; the ways they think about themselves, their ambitions, their goals within their restricted media, literacy and pop culture environment, who better than Jon Huntsman to lead America into the future being able to speak directly to China's communist leaders, in their own tongue. (Anyone who knows what happened with fair trade agreements recently made with China over manufacturing cars knows how valuable speaking the same language can be.)
Because of Jon Huntsman's knowledge, experience and wisdom gained by living and working behind China's Great Wall, who better than Huntsman to prevent China and China's allies from taking over not only our money, our jobs, our freedoms, but our souls.
To find out more check out www.jon2012.com
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