A very small amount of water is sufficient to grow mold. ISIS is the mold that grew from a vacuum as big as an ocean. A vacuum created in a misogynist world without freedom for men as well as for women. A vacuum that the U.S. left after it invaded Iraq and removed the firewall between Shia and Sunni.
Under the rule of dictators for thousands of centuries, with no understanding of what it means to draft a social contract with their people, ISIS is the consequence of an ignorance equated to the earned expression of lacking a mature civilization.
No secular mind in today's modernity can relate to hellish, murderous ideologies, whether it's ISIS or boko haram. It would be as if going to sleep in 2015 and waking up to find oneself living in the Medieval Period. ISIS and boko haram degrades humanity to such an extent we may as well be living in the Dark Ages.
The latest attack in San Bernardino carried out by a married couple with a six month old baby, the husband American born and raised, with a good solid job, and his hopped-up Hijab wife, strips away the last vestige of law enforcement's ability to think they can profile potential terrorists
The news of our days has turned so abnormal and psychotic one can actually draw parallels between the global actors and The Real Housewives franchise. To dilute such a serious matter sounds stupid but comparisons readily apply:
In its desperation to regain a prominent position, Russia is Atlanta's NeNe Leakes with an over-inflated ego and attitude.
Turkey is Beverly Hill's Brandi Glanville. Throwing shade and starting fires to gain attention.
Syria is Beverly Hill's Kim Richards. No longer able to hold it together, Hell in all its fury has broken loose and no one can fix her except herself.
Egypt, Yemen and Lebanon; all contenders for the bitch-slapping chaos the women of RH promote to stay relevant.
Iran is Tamra Barney of Orange County. Traumatized and emotionally disturbed, to prop up her insecurities she makes alliances with prior enemies and makes enemies of friends and when she's called out on a lie she has no shame.
Lisa Vanderpump of Beverly Hills is Saudi Arabia. Queenly superior in her tastes and decorum and riches. When she smiles, fire-breathing dragons burn your eyebrows if you stand too close.
Millions are spent by the RH to scaffold their aging facial veneers. But all the Botox, fillers and cosmetic surgeries and bling on their necks and fingers cannot make up for the vacancy in their eyes and in their hearts. Billions of U.S. dollars have been spent on Afghanistan and Iraq.
And for what? Our men and women in uniform have given their lives or nobly sacrificed their limbs and sanity for rewards that have been all but forgotten, or lost to ISIS.