Monday, April 28, 2008

What is so Wrong about Wright?

As I watched fire dragon news pundits salivate all over their Armani suits and gleefully denounce Rev. Wright's latest remarks the product of an overblown, egotistical, malevalent disposition, I couldn't help but ponder who among the spiritually sane, rational, and caring folks hasn't the same sense of anger and charges of betrayal been articulated and brought up against the present administration?

We can begin right here if you like. I have addressed many columns ago the complete lack of military experience or willingness to participate in front line affairs among the entire Bush-Cheney team!!! And maybe not exactly in the Reverend's words, but certainly in the same context, I've have made countless oppositional references to the utter defiance of Bush and his henchmen who insist on waging war when so many people in this country and throughout our vast globe in possession of critical thinking skills knew deep down in their soul, that this blood spilled on the soil was absolutely wrong, stupid and a horrific and vile act against everything human civilization holds sacred and moral.

Except for those Republicans either in front of the camera, or sitting behind their desks in the White House, who despite the uneasiness in their voice as they try to convince themselves they were bringing peace to the world rather than destroying it, except for those and others who had no other choice but stand behind the presidency and act as yes men and ladies, no one in their right mind was behind Bush's bushwack.

If tearing into Afghanistan in search of tearing apart the Taliban was our military objective then no hands down, it was a mission that had to be accomplished. But the Taliban is back and stronger than ever - Iraq is more unstable than ever, our soldiers are continually being picked off like ducks in a shooting gallery, our soldiers have been abandoned by our government and its legislatures, our military families are left to care for themselves with low wages and poor healthcare services are consistently being doled out to our over-fatigued and traumatized soldiers.

As a result of exaggerated extended tours and the lethal risk our military faces every single second of every single day, more soldiers than ever before are taking their own lives. This fact isn't even a blurb in our 365/24/7 news outlets. So again in all fairness to Rev. Wright and his honest and forthright remarks, what is so wrong with Wright?


IM said...

Good point. I agree and was wondering the same thing about Wright. But people don't respond well to blatant criticism of their community and country, even if they feel the same way =/

Wright lived in a different time, too, he's got a point to make to people today.

Bobby McGill said...

I listened to Wright's interview with Bill Moyers. I didn't find him to be a smidgen as bad as many would have us believe.

Looking forward to reading you more.


Anonymous said...

I know two guys who just got back from a year long tour in Iraq and they said the exact opposite of what you are saying. They said that the majority of gunfire they heard was actually an eldar in the community punnishing those who have broken the law. They have a rather Old Testament way of dealing with things. One of the guys said his translator told him that people who commit adultry are killed along with the woman's entire family and children get can have an arm chopped off for being disrespectful to an elder. Of course when they heard execusions like these they were on edge and I'm not saying that there is no danger, but the two men who just came back firmly believe that what they were doing there was not only justified but necessary. While they don't want to have to go back, they would never dream of saying it was unnecessary.

I agree that we may not have all the facts concerning 9/11 and the war on terror that some members of the government have, but I also believe that there are somethings we don't need to know. What if all the other documents that we haven't seen actually put American citizens who were, or even are, spies on the Taliban in danger. I'm not saying that it's true, but I am saying that it's possible. All we can do is make the best choice by the information we are given.

We also have to take into account who President Bush is. He is an honest guy who has a horrible time with public speaking. He isn't a complete moron but he also is by no means the brightest star in the sky. I really do think that if he knew the war on terror was fueled by lies that he would have slipped up by now and basically told America as much. I think he really does believe that what we are doing is the right thing.

When it comes to Rev. Wright I have to say that I think he is extreme. He is also angry. The problem is that I'm not sure what he's angry about. From what I have heard it seems like he thinks that every white person in America is a racist and Bush is the ring leader. I'm here to say that isn't true. I would never in a million years vote for Obama because I think he would run our economy into the ground. The same with Hilary. I'm a white woman.

Unknown said...

What is wrong with Reverend Wright is that he does not have the best interest of his flock in mind when he gives those sermons. He has their worst interests in mind. By that I mean he is preying on their cynical, pessimistic, reptile side using crowd psychology. He brings out the worst in them in order to get them excited and entertained. His only purpose is to get their money so he can live in a mansion in a white neighborhood. I wouldn't really care except the reverend's protege, Obama, is supposed to represent hope and change. This is the opposite of hope which makes me think everything Obama says should be interpreted to be the opposite.
What I can't understand is why this appeals to younger people who you would think would be more optimistic and hopeful. I've heard we get happier as we get older and younger people certainly can be gloomy now days. Hopefully they won't vote.
As for Bush, I agree that our choices for president have been horrible. Normally I would say pick the lesser of two evils, but that is impossible given the choices. I have huge problems with both sides. The dems act like children, and the conservatives have kept none of their promises; so, I registered libertarian. Whipee.